Welcome to Taroscopes
The Taroscopic Mystery School was established by Michael Tsarion in 1999, after ten years of intensive study into the Hermetic Arts of Divination. Noticing numerous errors and contradictions in the systems of other practitioners and occult societies, Michael set his mind to radically and comprehensively upgrade what we know about Tarot, Astrology, Kabala and Numerology. The Taroscopes website was his first site on the World Wide Web, and has members from all over the world. It has been in existence for over 20 years.
Becoming a Member?
Before signing up for lifetime membership, be sure to read Michael’s “Inner Zodiac” article, and watch the Taroscopes Intro Program
Book and Entitlements
The books “Path of the Fool” and “Cards on Houses” are no longer free entitlements to members. However, “Path of the Fool” should be purchased since it contains the meanings of the 78 cards. Cards of Houses contains info about Michael’s wider astrological system not necessary for member’s of the Mystery School. It is recommended that you complete the Mystery School course before venturing into the book’s content.
Is Michael directly involved in the mystery school?
Michael does not directly participate in the Mystery School.
The information provided is clear, concise and uncomplicated, and will pose no problem to keen members. Serious questions from members can be addressed to Michael using the contact form (members only, please).
I’m a beginner
The Taroscopes System is not complex. In fact, its chief virtue is its simplicity. The astrological system featured (part of Michael’s complete system) requires no tables of houses, ephemeri, atlases, technical manuals or other paraphernalia common to all other systems. The course was designed with beginners as well as seasoned practitioners in mind. Both will learn a great deal and find the data assistive practically and theoretically.
How long is the course?
There is no fixed time limit to the course. As a member, you log on wherever you are and whenever you like.
What do I find when I join?
The course is presented in text, supported by images and tables.
What materials are required?
Be sure to purchase the Rider-Waite Deck and Thoth Deck. You may end up preferring one or the other, but both are recommended. There are different versions of the Rider-Waite Deck. We recommend this one. As to the Thoth Deck, be sure to exchange/reverse cards 8 and 11 of the Major Arcana. As explained in the Mystery School, you will also make a minor change to the Court Royal Cards. We do not recommend any other deck, although you are free to work privately with any deck that attracts you aesthetically.
How do I matriculate?
When you feel the course is understood or mastered you’re done. No periodical reports are required, and there is no final test or exam. The Mystery School material enables all members to do competent readings for anyone in a very short time.
Do members communicate?
At this time, there is no forum for members. Most members have shown no interest in this feature. This may change down the line.
Renewing membership?
If you’re a previous member who cannot log in, contact us to be resigned in. New members be sure to keep all emailed contacts (receipts or proofs of payment, etc.)
Technical Support
Contact us for assistance using the button below.
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